Why Study Abroad? 5 Career Benefits To Catapult Your Future

Studying abroad allows you to experience so much:

  • Learning about yourself
  • Learning about other people
  • Learning about different places

When you decide to study abroad, make sure to welcome it as an adventure and time for immense personal growth — not just a path to your future career endeavors However, for this blog, we're focusing on the benefits that will set you apart from other students in a global marketplace, thanks to your time abroad. 

Benefit 1: Global connections

Studying in an international environment provides the opportunity to make connections with students from various backgrounds, which means you'll create a global network of contacts. This diversified contact base comes with numerous advantages that can assist you throughout your life and career. 

Once you finish university, you could end up working with some of the students you meet or even find yourself calling on their unique set of skills at some point in your career. Maintaining these connections can be a great way to help achieve your long-term career goals while simultaneously experiencing a range of cultures.

Benefit 2: Résumé enhancer

As the job market becomes even more globalized, students who have a firsthand understanding of living outside their home country are likely to stand out over those who stayed home. Sixty-four percent of employers said that international experience makes a candidate extremely desirable for hire. Employers even recruited candidates with international experience because of the skill set they brought to the table and gave graduates with an international background greater professional responsibility. 

All of the traits that come with studying abroad, such as tolerance, confidence, problem-solving skills, curiosity, knowing one's strengths/weaknesses, and decisiveness, enhance your résumé and make you very employable in a competitive marketplace. 

Benefit 3: Problem-solving skills

Studying abroad throws all sorts of new and unforeseen challenges your way – new roommates, new university, a different language, foreign government, possibly a different climate, etc. During your stay in your host country, you will have to overcome these challenges. With each new challenge conquered, your confidence in problem-solving grows, and a confident employee is a valuable asset.

Benefit 4: Cultural appreciation

The ability to appreciate, absorb and adapt to new cultures is a highly desirable trait for employers. By studying abroad, you will gain a cultural sensitivity that is difficult to garner without immersing yourself abroad. Employers, employees, clients, and consumers come from all walks of life — by studying abroad, you'll gain the ability to appreciate and embrace the differences and similarities in cultures, and accommodate accordingly. 

Benefit 5: Confidence booster

A popular piece of advice when heading into a job interview is "be confident." Fortunately, another advantage of studying abroad is that it enhances your career prospects and interview skills by boosting your self-confidence. Growing your problem-solving skills and overcoming the challenges presented by studying abroad will help you become a more mature person, flourishing in circumstances that improve your self-reliance and resilience. Deciding to step outside your home country's comfort zone takes real bravery and does not go unnoticed by potential employers. 

When you think about the big picture, it's clear why studying abroad is an attractive employee trait. By deciding to study overseas, you ultimately have a positive impact on your future employability.

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